Monday, November 07, 2005

Baby, baby, baby! Battery!

My sister had her baby yesterday, after three days of labor. Dude! Three days!

My new niece is very cute. My parents emailed me pictures this morning, so I've changed my desktop wallpaper to a picture of my sister and the baby. I was surprised to see how alert the baby looked in most of the pictures, with her eyes wide open.

I won't actually get to see this kid in person until sometime after Christmas. *sigh* I'm just glad for digital cameras and email.

In non-baby news, my car's battery decided to die completely on me this morning, refusing to take a charge. It was the original battery, so I guess now isn't that odd of a time for it to give up the volts. Better now than in the middle of winter, eh? My husband and I spent several hours buying, installing, and charging a new battery. Bleh! On the plus side, I got to have lunch with my husband on a workday. On the extra plus side, my sister had a baby! (My little niece makes everything better. It's her superpower.)

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